Roger Stone Reveals NEW Details About How the Deep State Tried to Set Him Up

Roger Stone is a longtime friend to Donald Trump and was instrumental in helping get Trump elected in 2016.

Naturally, Stone has had a bullseye on his back ever since.

In 2019, Stone was arrested in connection to Robert Mueller’s “Russian collusion” Special Counsel investigation. Stone was convicted and sentenced to 40 months in prison. However, days before Stone was scheduled to report to prison, President Trump commuted his sentence, and then pardoned Stone.

An interesting story is emerging that involves Stone, the secret service, and the January 6th Capitol protest.

Stone appeared on Alex Jones’s show and revealed how the secret service made him a strange offer (starts at the 18:15 mark in the video below):

Roger Stone: You’ve just hit a very good point, and that is when the latest narrative on January 6th, which is the great recycle.  One outlet said that the Feds are now focused on the fact that I was the mastermind – categorically false.  Wasn’t there, didn’t know anything about it in advance, didn’t have any involvement whatsoever.

But I did reveal, and I was excoriated for it, that when I was in my hotel room at the Willard, shortly after the President’s speech, there was a call from the secret service, offering to escort me to the head of the march and up to the Capitol which I declined.  By the way two pastors, two reverand protestant ministers and a police officer overheard all of that.  Those are called witnesses.  So for those who say, oh that’s made up, no it’s not made up.  It’s a fact.  It’s not a conspiracy.

Alex Jones:  And you were smart, you left early, you got out of there.  You told me, ‘this is a cluster ‘.  These people are idiots.  I said, ‘come on Roger’.  I mean I really twisted your arm.  I mean I just thought that, I can’t believe how surrounded Trump was with traitors.

The Gateway Pundit

Listen to Roger share how he was almost framed as an insurrection leader:

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