Important Message from General Flynn & Roger Stone to Trump Supporters

General Michael Flynn served as President Trump’s first National Security Advisor.

Roger Stone was formerly Donald Trump’s top campaign advisor.

Both men have become prominent figures in the America First movement, as they have proven their dedication and loyalty.

Flynn and Stone were both targeted during the “Russian collusion” hoax, and paid a price.

Now, they are rock stars in the MAGA movement.

Save America Patriot Rally in Sarasota Florida on Saturday Feels Like Trump Rally

The MAGA movement lives on.

Roughly 500 to 1,000 people came out for the event, which was organized by Trump Train Manatee in a parking lot at the DeSoto Square Mall, a staging point for Trump Train events before the election.

Rally organizers and speakers said they want to keep Trump’s supporters engaged. Both Flynn and Stone drove home that point.

“There’s no more just sitting around and talking,” Flynn said. “You have to now stand and do!”

Stone told the crowd that they may have lost the battle, but not the war.

“This is a fight between good and evil,” Stone said, adding: “There is a path forward.”

Beloved by many Trump fans who believe they were treated unfairly by the government, and infamous in other circles as two of the most controversial figures of the Trump era, Flynn and Stone were given a warm welcome by the Bradenton crowd.

Herald Tribune on Way Back Machine

Nobody can draw a crowd like Donald Trump. But Michael Flynn is gaining momentum as a popular figure on the right who can draw a crowd.

A “Fight like a Flynn” flag waved over the crowd Saturday and people chanted the slogan when he was done speaking. The crowd swarmed Flynn for autographs before and after his speech.

Flynn’s exhortation to stay engaged was more general.

“We have to stop complaining and we have to get involved,” Flynn said, calling for more rallies like the one in Bradenton across the nation and engagement in politics at the local level.

Flynn invoked the American Revolution, the Civil War and both world wars to say the current moment in American politics is unprecedented.

“This is a ‘no kidding’ time for this country … this is not a time that we’ve ever been in before,” Flynn said. “You can compare it to 1775, 1776. You can compare to the Civil War. You can compare it to World War I, World War II – there is no comparison. We have not been here before, we have not experienced a presidential election that was stolen in the middle of the night, and it was and we know it.”

Herald Tribune on Way Back Machine

Stone had strong words for the MAGA crowd as well:

Stone highlighted a series of issues that he said Trump supporters need to engage on, including pushing back against tech companies that have banned Trump and other users for inflammatory comments, changing election laws to “guarantee that future elections are honest” and driving “the feckless, gutless, spineless, white-wine swilling RINO Republicans out of the Republican Party.”

Herald Tribune on Way Back Machine

The MAGA movement will isn’t going anywhere, and if it turns that Donald Trump decides not to run again, Roger Stone said General Flynn should run for POTUS.

I was unable to find any video footage of this event. If you happen to know where some is located, please drop a link in the comments. Thank you.

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