This Private Biden Photo Wasn’t Supposed to Go Viral. Now People Are Losing Their Minds.
Reporters with cameras can make it hard to hide the truth.
Joe Biden can testify to this.
On Thursday, a Bloomberg reporter snapped a photo of Joe Biden’s daily schedule, then posted it on Twitter.
People are going nuts!
Both the Left and the Right have plenty to say about this photo:
OMG. This is only going to fuel the whole “grandpa Joe” memes.
The part that everyone is talking about the most is the “proceed to Oval Office.”
Joe needs to be told that?
“Okay, Mr. President, you’re dressed. You had breakfast. Now its time to proceed to your office.”
And the Left says this guy is totally normal?
Here is the Bloomberg reporter and his tweet of the photo:
Speaking of Biden and the obvious signs something’s not right, this news is making people go, “Hmmmmmmmmm.”
So who knows? Maybe this photo of his schedule was an intentional ploy to make Joe look like he’s a busy guy?
If so – it’s backfiring big time.
Let’s take a look at some of the reactions:
“name & address on his underwear?”
“Nothing there about having important meetings or making many phone calls?”
“they have to tell him to proceed to Oval Office?”
“Lol cute schedule for demented Joe. Gotta make sure he lines out each one, so he knows what’s next.”
“How long are the Democrats going to ignore that Biden has dementia??? As long as Obama & Rice are pulling the puppet strings I’m guessing a long time.”
“What a sweet gig! Joe Biden starts work around 10:00 am and in bed before the sun goes down!”
“Can’t keep track of himself – is there a note ‘if found please return to’?”
“where’s the diaper change?”
“And he still gets confused even when it’s all written down for him.”
“There is no President Biden.”
“There is no official nap time so I assume he sleeps at every meeting.”
“He should be napping now”
“So pitiful”
“He is prop”
“my patients in the dementia unit have schedules like this as well”
“1:45 PM -Take Meds 1:55 PM- Take nap”
“Wow. Unreal. It just gets more and more depressing.”
“Just glad there was no steps on that list. Otherwise he might never have gotten through his day without another embarrassing event. But there’s still time left in the day! Here’s hoping!”
Wayne dupree
What a clown show.
The American people are not buying this charade.
There is no WAY Joe got ten million more votes than Obama – but that’s a whole other story.
We’d love to see YOUR comments on Biden’s schedule down below.