Biden Administration Asks Supreme Court To Do Unbelievable Thing – Americans Enraged
It’s only been 100 days, and, already, we’re seeing the Biden administration try to overstep their Constitutional and legal boundaries in horrifying ways. It’s become very apparent that the folks running this administration (whether that’s actually Biden or if he’s a figurehead) don’t care about you or me or our Constitutional liberties. They want to micromanage our lives from Washington, and history shows how ugly that kind of centralized control is when it happens.
Today’s example of horrible government overreach comes from a case before the U.S. Supreme Court that came up from Pennsylvania. Matthew Vadum writes,
The Biden administration and a Pennsylvania school district urged a skeptical Supreme Court to let school districts suppress free speech by students on social media if they deem it potentially disruptive to school operations.
The case, Mahanoy Area School District v. B.L., court file 20-255, was heard April 28.
The Biden administration was represented in a 112-minute telephonic hearing by Deputy Solicitor General Malcolm L. Stewart.
The petitioner, the school district in Mahanoy City, Pennsylvania, was represented by Lisa S. Blatt. The student involved in the case, known in court documents as B.L., was represented by David D. Cole, the national legal director of the American Civil Liberties Union. B.L., or Brandi Levy, was a minor at the time the lawsuit was initiated and legal files reduced her name to initials to protect her identity.
The short version of the story is that, when Levy was in school, she didn’t make the cheerleading squad at school and posted on Snapchat about how upset she was. As teenagers sometimes do, she said, “[Expletive] school [expletive] softball [expletive] cheer [expletive] everything.”
Typical teenager overreaction.
But the school system decided that they had a right to control Levy’s free speech which was made away from school, and they suspended her from cheerleading for a year. She sued.
So, of course, the Biden Administration sided with controlling your teenager’s use of social media if it made a governmental institution look bad.
But Levy was right to be outraged with the censorship. It shouldn’t have happened because it didn’t occur at school.
What do you think, though? Is student speech critical of a school protected by the First Amendment or can the school control that speech away from campus, too? Tell us below.