‘Woke’ School Board Endangers Students Just To Teach Them THIS

Fights, drug overdoses, and deaths are all happening right behind a Seattle school. A homeless camp has popped up and continues to grow larger. It’s been an issue for months.

Why hasn’t this been taken care of? Well, they don’t want to inconvenience the lazy homeless drug addicts, of course. They’d rather put young children in danger. It’s the “woke” way.

There have been multiple overdoses, fights, and a death. Apparently this is a chance to teach kids “empathy” instead of clearing out dangerous people.

KOMO News asked Powell if the district has or school board has talked with teachers about what they plan to do next.

“The only thing I know of them saying is that this is a chance to teach empathy, and they are working with community outreach programs. However we still haven’t seen a change and the camp is growing,” said Powell.

Komo News

This has been going on for months. Take a look at the video below to see just how close these people are camped out.

The teachers have been begging the school board to do something, anything, before one of the children gets injured. They’ve yet to receive any real help.

Liberals are so worried about not offending anyone that they ignore clearly dangerous situations. They’re trying to force school children and their parents to “accept” homeless drug addicts as if they were normal neighbors.

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