GOOD NEWS: Biden’s Plan to Rig Future Elections Loses Key Democrat Supporter

Ever since Biden took office, Democrats have been pushing their agenda hard at the federal level.

One of their biggest efforts involves passing the For The People Act, which would erode state power and mandate federal voting requirements, all of which favor Democrats.

For example, the For The People Act would:

  • Ban voter ID requirements.
  • Mandate mail-in voting options.
  • Begin registering voters at age 16.

Banning voter ID requirements and mandating mail-in voting options would clearly make it easier to commit voter fraud in the future.

And registering 16-year-olds to vote is a step toward lowering the voting age from 18 to 16 — a move that would likely garner more votes for Democrats given the heavily liberal one-sided education provided in most public schools.

But guess what? Democrat Senator Joe Manchin just went on the record Sunday saying he would oppose his party’s bill.

In an op-ed published in the Charleston Gazette-Mail, Manchin declared the bill as too partisan and divisive  

He also revealed he would not support eliminating the filibuster that requires 60 votes to consider most pieces of legislation in the Senate. On that point, he is joining a second Democrat, Kyrsten Sinema of Arizona.

“I believe that partisan voting legislation will destroy the already weakening binds of our democracy, and for that reason, I will vote against the For The People Act,” Manchin wrote.

He added he would fight to “seek bipartisan compromise no matter how difficult and to develop the political bonds that end divisions and help unite the country we love.”

Just The News

Manchin’s opposition to the For The People Act is great news for conservatives. Without his support, it’s unlikely the bill will ever reach Biden’s desk.

Which means, for now, the power to set and enforce voting requirements will remain at the state level.

1 comment
  1. I’m very proud of senator Manchin for taking a stand. Please continue to be strong. We need more people thinking for themselves!!!

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